Wednesday, 1 April 2015

How to catch a fish

How to catch a fish? Basically you need a string and hook. If you hunt for fun, that's all you need. If you're after doing some profits and then you have to invest a lot, you have to buy a large fishing boat that is well tolerated rough sea, buy rods and reels, lures expensive, and then it all complicated and every access to the sea is a major expense (if you are not financially well-heeled) and it did not get more enjoyment. To start buy the most basic: 100-yard 0.30mm strings and a pack of a dozen hooks (more related if you are not too adept at binding) and a few pieces of lead (and it can also lead-free, namely the first quantitative abundant catches I made with the coast only with line and one hook). It would not be bad to get a piece of cork for purchased reel nylon. You can easily make yourself.

After some time you will discover the barrel swivel, various buckles and beads, and eventually you are going to buy a little bit and use, thus complemented with accessories and slightly upgraded it. You'll learn how to tie the hook, in the way that suits you best (in some of the following posts I'll show you a few ways that I use most often) and gradually gain experience.
We came to the coast, chose the location, choose the bait and started to hunt. Soon you will (after assemble little experience) to see that the simplest and cheapest way possible to fish and hunt. Very much so. With little tricks you can catch any fish, even the biggest specimen of coastal sea fish. For large pelagic you can forget if you do not have a boat. But slowly we will come to that.
With all further throws, more and more you notice a problem discharged strings on the coast. If you are well trained and with sufficient lead, you can manually throw without problems and over 70 meters, and that means more than 100 meters discharged nylon. It takes just one small twig that all entanglement, so you have a loop of 100 meters of nylon. While it unravel (everything that entanglement can be and unravel) lose precious time for fishing. Well let's say that you have a few accessories, so you start to hunt with the other. And what if the entanglement and other accessories? And the third? A bit you start to lose the nerves and no longer enjoying the fishing. What to do, how to solve this problem? To be continued ... 

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