Three days ago I went on the fishing trip after 3 months. Finally, after rainy days, work commitments and illness, I was able to menage one afternoon to escape to the sea. My desire to go earlier to the sea, later will be shown smart. I tidied things and fishing equipment in several backpacks, fishing equipment i already prepared earlier (I had 3 months to do it). I come to the boat, and I already can see that the wind and waves will create me a problems. Untying the boat and after short drive anchoring it. Not exactly a ideal position, because waves moved my boat a little bit, but anchor is already in the sea,and did not give it to rise it again (heave a anchor with chain). I become fishing in about 15:00 hour and already seen that it will take me a lot of patience, because the waves are pretty big, the wind is indeed durable, but the current was too strong, and therefore vibrate my string a lot. At least from a similar direction comes waves and current. After an hour spent on a fishing position i do not have any fish caught fish, indeed I don't even feel fish bite, than behold, i have a small fish. Well, will be used for filleting for bait. Than little by little, fish shy start to biting. And than accessory for waiting start to move rapidly towards the sea. Countered, bravo, in hard, begin to rip a fish out, I can see it it's a gilt poll, very big. But i guess that gilt poll had obviously other plan, and just felt off. this is situation when i lose my nerves, but no matters and I put my accessories in the sea again. But fish again bite, and again I start to fill out the fish, and again fish felt off. And two more times this happens, and than i got a fish and I pull it out, it was a Piper fish. A little disappointed, continue to fishing and after a wile i catch a Gilhead bream on the another accessories, a much smaller, but well... Little by little comes the darkness, and now i can see that i cleverly made what i went earlier today, it becomes very cold. I raise anchor leave. I'm freezing my hands while I was up the anchor, and the anchor was still a bit stuck. a little power and anchor was up.
Hm what to say about this fishing trip? I could stripped out and blame a weather, waves? Current? Wind? It is not jet time for fishing, sea is still cold... But that will be just excuses. The fact is that i caught bad (about 1 kg (2.2 pounds) of fish). Sometimes you catch fish, sometimes you can catch a lot of fish, and sometimes you catch a very bad.
All in all not so bad, because I spend for the bait and fuel less than a 1 dollar. Next time i will...
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